Freezer Box

Put this product into freezer to be refrigerated in advance for 12 hours and then use as refrigerating media when needed.Put the ice bag in a flat place or shape it according to demand before being refrigerated....

  • Size: 16.5*9.5*3cm/17.5*12.5*2.5cm/...
  • Weight: 400g/450g/700g/900g/1000g
  • Material: HDPE
  • Phase Change Temperature: +5℃,0℃,-10℃,-25℃

Put this product into freezer to be refrigerated in advance for 12 hours, and then use as refrigerating media when needed.
1. This product is made of biological material by high-tech process. It is clean, non-toxic, elastic, and gluey.
2. This product has a high cold capacity, so excels in keeping cold.
3. This product can be widely used safely without contamination.
4. This product can be used repeatedly.
1. For biochemical reagents, solder paste, veterinary drugs, plasma, vaccines, aquatic products, ornamental fish and fresh food long-distance refrigeration constant temperature transport.
2. For patients with high fever cooling, anti-inflammatory pain relief, cold compress beauty, sprain, fall injury, hemostatic pus and other auxiliary physiotherapy.
3. Cold storage and power saving, in the refrigerator can release the cold amount when the battery is off, maintain the refrigerator for a certain period of time refrigeration constant temperature.
Put the ice bag in a flat place or shape it according to demand before being refrigerated.

Material: HDPE
Phase-transition temperature: +5℃,0℃,-10℃,-25℃
The phase-transition of the cold gel is-30℃ to 20℃. Size and phase-transition temperature can be customized according to customer requirements.

Weight (g) Size (cm) Material
400 16.5*9.5*3 HDPE
450 17.5*12.5*2.5 HDPE
700 14.5*21.5*2.5 HDPE
500 20.5*18.5*3 HDPE
1000 29.5*19.8*2 HDPE

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